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10 Years of Interstellar

Every now and then, when I find myself in front of the TV with some time to spare and don’t really know what to watch, I watch bits of Interstellar

It’s been 10 years since the film’s release , but the grandeur, the dazzle, and the profound sense of awe that I felt when I first saw the film have never faded. It’s a film that never gets old. 

I wonder what makes it such a great film.

Is it the storyline that transcends the boundaries of stars, planets, black holes, and dimensions? Yet, when you look closely, at its heart, it’s a story of human emotion depicting a father-child bond.

Perhaps it’s the breathtaking visuals that bring esoteric concepts like general relativity, space-time warps, and wormholes to life. Think of the sheer scale of Miller’s planet, the mind-numbing size of Gargantua, and Cooper’s ultimate sacrifice as he plunges into its singularity.  

What about the docking scene! I vividly remember the experience of watching it on a giant IMAX screen. It was so enthralling that the audience erupted into applause at the end (something I haven’t witnessed since). Nolan’s genius lies in combining scientific rigour with pulsating drama and delivering it on an unimaginable scale. 

Complementing the visual splendour is Zimmer’s evocative soundtrack that elevates every single scene to a different plane. The relentless ticking on Miller’s planet subconsciously places you in the shoes of those astronauts desperately trying to come back to their ship, as giant mountains waves come crashing towards them.

I can’t really pinpoint a single aspect that makes it such a great film.  But I am certain of what makes it so memorable.

The film’s greatest legacy is its ability to  inspire us to think big and envision possibilites beyond our current understanding. 

Sometimes, science isn’t good enough. Sometimes you need a daring artist who will break the shackles, go beyond, and bring to screen (and life) what we think today is impossible. A hundred years from now, when we become a space-faring, multi-planetary civilisation, those future generations would still find this movie breathtaking.

“It’s not possible.”
“No, it’s necessary.”
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Anudeep Durishetty

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  • As the notification pop up for anudeep sir blog post, it lit my heart out for a smile. Thank you for sharing sir.

  • “Nobody believed me, but I knew you would come back”

    I recently watched a scene from Interstellar in which he explains why he named his daughter as Murphy ( ) Although my favourite Scientific thinkers like Richard Dawkins, don’t approve of laws like Murphy’s laws, I like that scene.

    I think it is my last big screen imax movie in Hyderabad Prasads Imax. They no longer use IMAX projectors it seems.
    Now they introduced PCX.

    • Yes, Prasad's doesn't have IMAX anymore. It's surprising (and sad) that Hyderabad doesn't have even a single theatre with IMAX projection systems.

  • Sir, it's look like after 10 months of post. Between forgot to share pic of the day/week..

  • Also that one think which Hams zammir soundtrack tought me.... how to imagine this entire universe in your subconscious mind ! 🤎

    • Zimmer's soundtracks are my go to for serious study/work sessions. Elevates my mood and focus like nothing else.

  • Just a single caveat though i hope in that civilization we still have earth in its Usual form, without any major human idiocy causing any more demage then it has already done or an asteroid event.
    I Do get the appeal for an endearing future but not at the cost of earth.
    And yeah bold cinematic experience and enthralling images is totally nolans forte.

  • As the notification hits my mobile about Anudeep Sir, Blog.
    First thing that strikes ma mind is, his beautiful thought, that makes Sir to write one despite his busy schedule...Very interesting observations Sir...!!!

  • The theme of sacrifice is the alone element in Nolan's work that makes it worth. Sci fi elements are just his toy to distract you.

  • There are officers and then there are class in officers, he the later is one . He is the writer in the band Gala suit. Thank you sir.

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