Coaching for the Civil Services Exam: Is It Necessary?

By | April 13, 2024

To be or not to be?

This is a perennial question I get asked the most. And it’s understandable too. Many aspirants who begin their Civils preparation are clueless about this exam’s demands and most cannot simply afford to go to Delhi and take coaching.

There are a lot of doubts and misconceptions regarding whether to take coaching for Civils Services. So let me break it down for you.

Note: Keeping beginners in mind, let me clarify that for the rest of the post, by coaching I mean the generic sense of the word: the act of going to an institute and attending their classes. Test series, coaching notes and mock interviews at coaching institutes are clearly distinct. So when I say coaching isn’t really necessary for GS, it implies that there isn’t any need to attend classes. I don’t mean to say that you should not take any test series, or read any coaching material.

Q. Is coaching necessary?

Think of an elite sportsman like Virat Kohli. Does he have a personal coach? Yes, he does. But would you say his career success is purely down to his coach? Of course not. Kohli trains and suffers day in day out, practices consistently to learn and improve his game. His self discipline, hard work and the burning determination to excel at the game is what makes him the elite player he is.

Same goes with success in the civil services exam. Coaching merely helps you, it does not ensure you a rank. Your self study, consistency and the hard work you put in sitting at your study table matters far more than what you do in coaching classes.

So if you are attending coaching classes, do take their notes, but you should not rely excessively on them and neglect standard books. In my first Mains, I did this mistake of depending on coaching notes disproportionately— I barely read any of the standard books. When I wrote my first Mains in 2012, my lack of conceptual clarity was evident. Unsurprisingly, I failed to get an interview call.

Always remember that roughly, not more than 25-30% of your preparation should depend on coaching classes. To say that without coaching you cannot crack UPSC is to tell a lie. There are people who put in even that 25% of work by themselves and have cracked this exam (that is, they might have read coaching notes, but did not attend any classes.) So it depends on your personal belief, self discipline and your basic level of knowledge to determine whether you need coaching.

Suppose you know what standard books to study, what coaching notes to refer to, and by reading them you are able to understand the subject, that’s brilliant and you don’t need coaching.

On the other hand, if you are absolutely clueless about the exam process or the books you need to study, coaching institutes will definitely help you get a broad idea. But as I said, you still have to read standard books, make required notes and put in the work to outshine your competition.

Q. How do you compare coaching in Delhi versus elsewhere?

As I had said, coaching does not constitute more than 25-30% of your preparation. And there’s nothing profound about coaching institutes in Delhi.

For those preparing in far flung areas, if you cannot afford to go to Delhi, that’s perfectly alright. You can get notes of all the major coaching institutes in most cities. So make a trip once to your nearby city, buy them from a bookstore and study on your own.

Also, I believe internet has truly democratised information and made it accessible even to rural areas. These days many institutes are providing coaching classes via video lectures. You can opt for them too.

Moreover, online websites (Mrunal, ForumIAS, CivilsDaily, Insights, IASBaba etc) have emerged as brilliant and affordable alternatives to traditional coaching institutes. So if you cannot go to Delhi to take coaching, you are not losing out on anything.

Q. How helpful are coaching notes? Can they substitute standard books?

Standard books are important because they are written from the ground up and they form the foundation of your knowledge. Once you read standard books, reading coaching notes not only becomes much easier, but you can also see where in that big picture does a small topic fit in.

The problem with reading just the coaching notes is that they fail to you give you such big picture perspective. What you will be left with are fragmented concepts and broken knowledge which doesn’t stick for long in your memory. For long term memory, we need a topic’s context which is why you should always start with standard books.

For example, when I started Anthropology, I first read Ember & Ember to get an overview of the subject. Afterward, when I referred to BrainTree coaching material, I could clearly see how a particular topic such as Primate Adaptation fit into the larger concept of Human Evolution. This is why standard books are indispensable.

While reading coaching notes, remember these:

  • Coaching notes are helpful and easy to revise before the exam. But they can only supplement but never substitute standard books.
  • Always map your notes onto the chapters and topics in syllabus. Most coaching institutes do not cover the syllabus entirely. Even if they do, they usually rush through some chapters. So when you see a topic not covered well in your notes, read on your own from other sources and make notes.
  • Coaching notes and material come in handy to cover a specific topic. For example for a topic like Govt schemes, instead of you labouring to compile them from ministries’ websites, it’s better that you buy a compilation booklet of any institute. Smart work saves you a lot of time.
  • You have to remember that UPSC is not at all like a graduation exam. In college, it’s fairly easy to read just the notes and score really well. But in UPSC, the questions are of higher standard and of deeper analytical depth. None of the questions usually come directly from your coaching notes. It’s your clarity of concepts— especially in optional— that will help you write good answers.

Q. How to choose which coaching institute to join?

When you are thinking of joining a coaching institute, do not go by their advertisements. Many institutes simply put names of toppers even if they might have just paid a visit to their institute for an open mock interview because it was free. There are gradations of the level of association of a topper with an institute, and you need to recognise it before deciding to join them.

It’s always advisable to take the opinion of people who had already taken coaching in that institute to make an informed decision. Their feedback should be given more weight, not pamphlets or advertisements.

Q. What about the competence of teachers at coaching institutes?

Many a time, aspirants (especially beginners) place too much trust and credibility in coaching teachers. Some teachers are indeed good but some are plain terrible. Especially in specialised subjects such as optional, reading standard books and referring to internet will tell you whether what you are being taught in coaching institutes is accurate or just rubbish.

You can also search for topper’s blogs on that particular subject who would have put an accurate account of his/her opinion about the institute.

Q. Should I take coaching for GS?

General Studies is not quantum physics. UPSC only expects candidates to have a generalist understanding of a wide range of topics. So if you have the material with you and can study on your own, you will be able to understand the subject and hence GS coaching isn’t really necessary. You only need to go the market, buy the relevant GS material or coaching notes and study on your own.

Q. Should I take coaching for optional subject?

Optional requires in-depth specific knowledge and coaching definitely helps you in covering the syllabus systematically. Also, many engineering graduates find themselves clueless about arts subjects like philosophy, sociology etc.. Coaching will definitely be beneficial to those people.

But as always, the caveat is that just like GS, you can prepare for optional yourself. I didn’t take any coaching for Anthropology and I scored 318.

Q. How helpful are Test Series at coaching institutes?

Many aspirants commit one fundamental mistake: they read and revise, over and over, but never practise. Remember that the examiner checking your copy will have no idea about the number of books you’ve read or the number of hours you’ve slogged. Your answers are all that he has to judge you. So it makes sense to learn it, practise it and perfect it.

Test series definitely helps in that sense because it trains your brain to get the hang of how the actual exam feels like. You write tests so that in the final exam you are not taken in by surprise.

So even if you practice daily answer writing, you should write full length tests within dedicated time limits. Writing such tests with all the seriousness of an actual exam will teach you to manage time and give an incredible insight into where you are going wrong. The feedback on your answers will also help you get an independent, critical perspective.

Moreover, you need to remember that Mains exam demands not only our memory and intelligence, but also endurance. If you lack prior practice, writing relentlessly for 6 hours a day and do this for 5 days will cause both mental and physical fatigue. The only way to overcome it is to practice enough before the final exam.

If you want to run a marathon, you cannot simply show up on the race day and expect to run 42 km— it needs prior training. Same goes with Mains. By joining a good test series, you will get such practice and it prepares you both mentally and physically for the final battle.

My association with coaching institutes

What follows is a chronological account of where all I have taken coaching from and for what subjects. I’ve also written my assessment of these institutes. Hope this helps you in making an informed decision.

General Studies (Old pattern and syllabus) at Vajiram Institute, New Delhi

Comment: While the quality of teachers were good, they drain an inordinate amount of your time in note dictation. You’ll understand how redundant this exercise is when you realise that the handwritten notes from the same institute are readily available in the market.

Public Administration Optional at Vajiram Institute, New Delhi

Comment: The quality of teaching and notes were good. But I’ve always scored poorly in Pub Ad. I secured All India Rank 1 in this attempt only when I dropped Public Administration and took up Anthropology.

Public Administration in UPSC is a subject that takes itself too seriously, when in reality, it’s a subject that lacks originality and is bereft of substance. (I can go on a long rant, but I’ll just abstain 🙂 )

Let’s just say that if you are starting just now, I will suggest that you don’t pick this optional in the first place.

Geography Optional at Direction IAS, New Delhi

Comment: Not useful. Not recommended.

2013 (New Pattern and Syllabus)

General Studies – Prepared on my own.

Comment: In 2013, the syllabus of GS got completely revamped. One of the major reasons I had failed in Mains 2012 was that I relied excessively on coaching material and neglected standard books. The questions asked in Mains were clearly different from what I’d read or been taught in the classroom. In Mains 2012, my lack of knowledge was clearly exposed.

So when UPSC brought in the new pattern of four GS papers, I saw it as an opportunity to start everything from scratch (Having a huge time gap between Prelims and Mains that year also helped).

I disbanded all my half baked coaching notes and went back to standard books to gain a comprehensive understanding of all subjects. Made notes wherever I felt necessary.
Also, this self learning experience in 2013 was what gave me confidence last year (2017) to take up Anthropology and prepare on my own.

Personality Test:

Mock interview at Sri Chaitanya, Hyderabad
Mock interview at Chanakya, New Delhi




2016 (Skipped the attempt)


GS and Essay Mains Test Series (MGP+ Programme) at ForumIAS academy (Online mode)

Comment: By this time last year, I realised that lack of answer writing practice was dragging me back. So I had decided to join an institute for test series. But I was based in Hyderabad and no way I could go to Delhi for my test series, so I had to opt for online mode. Initially, I was skeptical whether this whole thing of sending them my scanned written papers would really work.

But my apprehensions were unfounded. The ForumIAS team was very professional. Papers were checked meticulously and emailed to me on time. The feedback on my test papers and the post-test discussion videos were immensely helpful in improving my answer content and presentation.

Anthropology Optional – Prepared completely on my own

Personality Test:

  • Mock interview at Hyderabad Study Circle (Very professional and they had an excellent panel of members. Some of the questions posed in the mock were asked in the final interview)
  • Mock interview at Lakshmaiah Institute, Hyderabad
  • Mock interview – Feynman IAS academy, Hyderabad
  • Mock Interview – RC Reddy Institute, Hyderabad
  • Interview Guidance Programme (online) by ForumIAS academy
  • DAF analysis session (via Skype) by Officers IAS academy, Chennai

Any of these aforementioned institutes might have claimed me to be their student, but you should see how exactly I was associated with them, and what role they might have played in my success. Some other institutes not mentioned here might have also falsely claimed my rank. Ignore those adverts.

So please don’t join an institute just because you happen to see my picture or any other topper’s picture on their pamphlet. It always helps to take feedback from a few people who had done coaching there. Also verify through a handful of topper blogs to confirm the competence of teachers and their institutes.

Hope this post helped in clearing some of the dilemmas you may have had. More blog posts to follow.

Until next time,

Note: My book, Fundamentals of Essay and Answer Writing is an Amazon bestseller. Since its release, the book helped countless candidates master the art of crafting exceptional essays and answers and elevate their performance in the UPSC Mains Exam. You can know about the book here.

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189 thoughts on “Coaching for the Civil Services Exam: Is It Necessary?

  1. Chitwandeep Kaur

    How to approach Science and Technology Section of TheHindu??
    It do seems silly question, i want to know because i’m a beginner.
    Thank you Sir

    1. Anudeep Durishetty Post author

      When you see a new term in the newspapers such as ‘God Particle’ ‘VAR (Video Assistant Referees)’ etc, note them down and google them. Try to make notes about those terms: ts definition, features, benefits, practical applications in industry etc.

  2. Sherlock Holmes

    First of all Congratulations Sir!???

    Sir, I’m hindi medium student and my english is not so good, So I’m unable to read the hindu Newspaper. I tried 2-3 months, but it consumed 3+ hrs (articles take more time) by using dictionary.
    Please suggest me any newspaper or material or any way, Which I will follow.

  3. Anonymous

    Sir please give me standard books for anthropology optional subject..

  4. Shweta Pawar

    Congratulations sir for such a overwhelming success and thank you so much for sharing all this information, it’s no doubt a great help for the cse aspirants.
    Sir what is the pros and cons of taking history as a optional subject?
    Sir I know choosing optional is totally based on our interest in the subject, but I just want your point of view, if you can tell something related to this, will be great help.
    Thank you

  5. jeevanshudhawan

    Hi! Congratulations on your achievement. I read your answer on Quora too. I think you deserved to be amongst the toppers.
    I have a few questions, I hope you would not mind answering them.

    You gave an example of Virat Kohli, even Sachin Tendulkar took coaching from Mr. Ramakant Achrekar.
    Mahendra Singh Dhoni never took coaching in the sense of Virat Kohli and Sachin Tendulkar, but still, he could manage to be a world-class wicketkeeper as well as a good batsman (I wouldn’t call him great), how could he have achieved such a feat? I happen to watch the movie ‘M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story’, and there too, I couldn’t help but focus on this glaring anomaly. Even you (1st Rank, U.P.S.C.2018) had to take help in the initial stages of preparation (during initial attempts)
    Quoting you, “While the quality of teachers was good, they drain an inordinate amount of your time in note dictation. You’ll understand how redundant this exercise is when you realise that the handwritten notes from the same institute are readily available in the market.”
    You have also mentioned,
    “Moreover, you need to remember that Mains exam demands not only our memory and intelligence but also endurance. If you lack prior practice, writing relentlessly for 6 hours a day and do this for 5 days will cause both mental and physical fatigue. The only way to overcome it is to practice enough before the final exam.”
    Don’t you think writing notes also improves one’s endurance, it can act as a prelude to writing descriptive answers, later on, improving one’s listening, comprehension, and writing skills simultaneously?

    You have also mentioned- again to quote you,
    “Public Administration in UPSC is a subject that takes itself too seriously when in reality, it’s a subject that lacks originality and is bereft of substance. (I can go on a long rant, but I’ll just abstain ? )
    Let’s just say that if you are starting just now, I will suggest that you don’t pick this optional in the first place.”
    Then you said, “Also, this self-learning experience in 2013 was what gave me confidence last year (2017) to take up Anthropology and prepare on my own.”

    I would rather call it a wise decision because to understand public administration one needs to have a sound knowledge of human behaviour.

    Also, I would like to ask– there is a general perception that watching movies and television, being active on social media (quora, facebook, twitter etc.), travelling, and socialising hinders learning, and should be done away with altogether during preparation. What are your opinions regarding this aspect of student’s personal life?

    Thanking you with great anticipation.

  6. Sarvesh Kaushik

    Hello Sir,
    When did you join MGP of ForumIAS, after prelims or in 2017?

  7. Mahaasree

    Thank u so much sir.
    Congratulations for ur success ?

    Sir, I’m in final year of my graduation.
    I initiated my preparation by making notes on newspaper from this April. Is this the right time to start preparing on General studies or should I rely only on newspapers?

  8. Shivam gangania

    I have satisfied with you and personal experience
    Sir.if we have a unbreakable potential to face upsc exam
    That will be brokenby us
    With a good guide lines
    Q. Sir I have a good habit of
    Assessment in my study
    Q. Will that be sufficient for me?

  9. Info

    Anudeep sir Forum IAS on which you have discussed…I want to know do they provide a free coaching for long distance people…like me ….I also belong from Mumbai

    1. Anudeep Durishetty

      I did not take any coaching there, only a test series, which was also online mode. I used to write tests at my home, scan the copies and send it to them for evaluation.

  10. Pooja.K.R.

    Sir presently am final year Bsc student I have decided to write upsc exam but am not getting any proper guidance when I just came to know about dis blog nd when I entered here it seems very helpful to d students lyk me
    Am more confused about how to choose an optional as many of d toppers suggest choose d area of ur interest but am in total confusion how to choose d optional soo plz guide me nd am waiting for ur reply sir

  11. Adarsh

    Sir, if you can write a detailed write-up about anthropology strategy, it would be very helpful to us. I would like to know how you prepared for anthro and what exactly did you incorporate in your answers that helped you score 318 marks? Thanks !

  12. Sai kumar

    Sir why there isn’t a option for mains in ur blog I need more info. Abt mains plzz post quickly on mains plzzz sir

    1. Anudeep Durishetty Post author

      Mains blog post incoming. Will be updated this week.

  13. Nikhitha

    Sir what is your opinion on taking Telugu literature as optional?
    Could you please help me with this. .

      1. Basavarajappagouda

        Sir ……… how prepare for Agriculture optional??? Book list for agriculture optional, answer writing strategy for Agriculture optional???

  14. Nikki kumari

    Could you please tell us standard books name???

  15. Anonymous

    This is very honest review. Cant thanks you enough. SIr how to study world history and other geography ? NCERT is sufficient ? TN history ?


    Thanks sir for u r valuable information. sir a small suggestion is required from u. I am unable to clear my prelims. I Failed in 2 attempts I cant understand where i am doing wrong Can u please suggest me.

    1. Anudeep Durishetty Post author

      Please go through my “Prelims Booklist” blogpost.

  17. Anonymous

    Sir I am studying in 11th class and took humanities stream, I want to became a civil sevent.sir give me some advise

  18. Aparajita

    sir, can you please suggest how to choose the right coaching study material?? Those several options available in the market are terribly confusing!

    1. Anudeep Durishetty Post author

      To be able to judge the quality of material is also a highly useful trait that you must cultivate.

      First, for a particular topic, go through questions of previous years and see the breath and depth of questions asked by UPSC. This will give you an idea about what a good material should cover.

      Second comes the question of how well a particular coaching material presented the material: this will determine your ease of reading and revision. Based on these two parameters, you should buy the material.

      And lastly, remember that you should not buy different coaching material for the same topic. When you are buying something to read, always question yourself: “what new does this add to my preparation?” If you can’t answer it convincingly, then the material probably isn’t really useful.

  19. ritu

    sir can u please share the time table of gs and optional …
    as it will really help us….

  20. Aishemily

    Hello sir ,I am trying to read Hindu past 15 days and am also making notes my problem is I am unable to make notes from editorials can you please guide me for this ,thanks in advance

  21. Yamini Priyanka Polisetti

    Hello sir
    Hearty congratulations for your success sir. I need a small suggestion. I am student who can’t prepare at home along with family. So, I want to join in an ias coaching institute which guides me in a better way. I will definitely put my efforts along with a better guidance. Please , suggest me a best institute in Hyderabad.

    1. Anudeep Durishetty Post author

      Never been to any coaching institute in Hyderabad. I cannot guide you on this, sorry.

  22. leafonus

    Thanks for sharing this post. It has washed out so many misconception regarding coaching institute. Sir, please compose a post over the whole mains exam pattern. This is the best article I have ever encountered over this topic.
    Thanks again!

  23. Ron

    Good afternoon sir!
    Literally to speak..I had no idea of the subject what to start with( since i am beginner)..through this blog, probably which subject shall be pivotal so that as a beginner..I may not loose consistency..want to choose anthro as my optional.

    My humble request sr..could you plz upload your anthro brain tree material.I feel very glad if you could reply.

    I am sure will definetly put my absolute efforts along with your immense&terrific guidence ?? thank you!!!!All the best to all your future endeavours?

    1. Anudeep Durishetty Post author

      Braintree material is not available in soft copy. You can buy the physical copy at a decent book store in Delhi or Hyderabad.

  24. Prashant Sharma

    Hello All,

    I would like to say that I am donating free books to the needy and deserving ones. I have started an open library in delhi for the same.

    If you find such student or any exam aspirant, contact me at I will try to help them by books or if possible would like to help them by paying their coaching fee.

    Also, If you want to donate your unused books, contact me.


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