UPSC Marksheet

By | April 30, 2024

Here are my marksheets for the Prelims and Mains of Civil Services Exam 2017. Along with these, I’ve attached my marksheet for CSE 2015 (I’ve skipped CSE 2016.)

A cursory glance at scores from both these attempts should tell you that, with crisp and clear answers, you can drastically improve your Mains scores across the papers. You can read more about how I overcame my failures here.

So my only plea to you is: if your recent Mains scores have been terrible, do not become despondent. I will soon write detailed blog posts on Mains answer writing. Hope they help you in improving your answer content and presentation.

CSE 2017 Prelims Marksheet

Anudeep Durishetty UPSC Prelims Marksheet

CSE 2015 Final Marksheet

Anudeep Durishetty UPSC Mains 2015

CSE 2017 Final Marksheet

Anudeep Durishetty AIR 1 UPSC Mains Marksheet

Note: My book, Fundamentals of Essay and Answer Writing is an Amazon bestseller. Since its release, the book helped countless candidates master the art of crafting exceptional essays and answers and elevate their performance in the UPSC Mains Exam. You can know about the book here.

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96 thoughts on “UPSC Marksheet

      1. Gourav

        That was with respect dude, though I am not the one who wrote that post. It seems that you don’t respect others and have very little understanding of what respect actually means. So, be respectful towards everyone, whether or not they have cleared this exam.

        Anyways, hats off to you Anudeep for such an outstanding achiever.

      2. vikas

        Where he lacked in giving respect. Were your ancestors feuds ? we are living in the era of globalisation dude. Colonialism has ended. Now there is no relation like that of Master and slave.Corporates have learnt this and even CEO is called by his name. So you better show respect to the source comment

    1. Pooja Upadhyay

      Sir,I have opted for Public administration as my optional, But it put me in a dilemma when I saw that you changed your optional from PA to anthropology
      The major question that strikes my mind is whether Public Administration is not a scoring subject.
      Sir what was your reason of switching the subject?

      1. Anonymous

        I feel that it depends on your area of interest. If you do feel Public Administration interests you then go for it.

  1. pramasrima t

    Hi, champ you improving everyones selfconfident level…anudeep you are a person with lovable personality and generous nature ..everytime you inspiring everyone……??♥ may god fill your lyf with more success..?♥(-:finally thankyou:-))?

  2. pramasrima t

    When did you prefer for study? whether early morning or midnight..

    1. Chandan

      Every individual has his own clear this most prestigious exam.. Some aspirants prefer to study in morning, some others may prefer evening and some other may like to study in midnight.. It has been said that every successful person has his own and unique strategy. They never follow other’s style. They build their own trend.. And that is the secret of their success…

  3. Kaibalya

    Transition from CSE 2015 TO 2017.. shows a efficient recognition of personal mistakes and vigorous preparation to check them the next time to score double. Great effort sir.. salutations.. undoubtedly this is tremendously helpful to me.. thank you so much..

  4. Anonymous

    Great Anudeep!
    I m a beginner ,from where I should start preparation? My second year of college is complete now ,will be in third from July session! Want to utilise this summer vacation…plz suggest the starting !!!!.._/\_

  5. Sai Priya

    Sir can you please upload your timetable when preparing for Civils?

  6. Anonymous

    Sir, Please provide strategy and booklist for Anthropology optional

  7. parika chauhan

    From CSE 2015 to CSE 2017.. A long journey but fruitful results with your hardwork.. these marksheets truely conveys a message that never lose hope.. you never know what god has stored for you.. thank you so much for sharing your bad to oustanding results of your upsc journey.. because now I’ll keep going on unless and until I achieve my goal ..thank you once again ?

  8. bharath khanna

    Hi Anna…I have one dout i.e in2015 u took public administration as optional n u changed it as anthropology in 2017 can you give any reason …plz

  9. Prathibha Srirangam

    Takes courage to share failures. Much Respect Sir!
    Ps:- Can you kindly talk about studying static syllabus from exam point of view?.Also, on how to manage time efficiently when one is approaching the exam syllabus for the first time?

  10. Bidisha Bordoloi

    Sir what may be the probable cut off of 2018 paper according to u..??

    On Thu, 31 May 2018, 11:22 p.m. Anudeep Durishetty, wrote:

    > Anudeep Durishetty posted: “Here are my marksheets for the Prelims and > Mains of Civil Services Exam 2017. Along with these, I’ve attached my > marksheet for CSE 2015 (I’ve skipped CSE 2016.) A cursory glance at scores > from both these attempts should tell you that, with crisp and clea” >

  11. Hemanth Rachiraju

    Hello Anudeep Annaya,
    Please write how to prepare for Working Aspirant. As you too prepared while working. It will be more effective and useful if you do so.

    Thank you.

  12. Soundarya kumarasamy

    Thank you so much sir… And congrats on your success

  13. Atul Singh

    Hi Anudeep, in your sample essay, there is a full para mentioning what all is there in your essay. But in your essay notes, I see you have crossed such things and written that its not needed. So can you please clear this confusion?

    1. Anudeep Durishetty

      In the initial essays I used to write that para. But later realized that it unnecessarily reveals everything we have to say in the essay, and dulls the interest of the reader.

      So I stopped writing that thesis para. In the final exam too didn’t write it.

  14. Anonymous

    Hello Anudeep Sir,
    Firat of all my heartiest congratulations for your extraordinary success.
    Sir, my query is regarding Bipin Chandra book, as you have also stated it for selective reading and even I too find it little ambiguous as there’re lots of facts in one page only.
    So, I want to know what are the selections to study and which part to avoid. How specific kind of fact to be grasp?

  15. ramesh deore

    you are the best topper sir to correct guide of yours essay notes for my son Dr abhishek tnks

  16. Ignited IAS

    Hi Anudeep Sir,

    As you mentioned in several videos that you struggled with your writing speed. Same is true with me. I have scored fairly well 154 in essay but can’t score higher in the GS papers. My slow speed was one of the reason. Plz guide me through your experience. I will be deeply obliged.

    1. Anudeep Durishetty Post author

      I’m sorry I do not have any writing hack to quickly improve the speed. Improving writing speed is just like improving your running speed. Comes only through practice.

      I used to have a timer and consistently write some random article from newspapers. Based on the number of words written in the set time, I would consciously work to improve the speed day after day, in a way that my writing speed is enough to finish a 15 marker in 10 min approx.

      You can sacrifice the beauty of your handwriting for speed.

      1. Anonymous

        There is any problem by sacrificing the beauty of handwriting in mains exm ???? May be mark will reduce

      2. Mareppa mudhol

        Congratulations sir. I am mareppa mudhol i am very proud of you sir please how to prepare ias please sir suggestions you to me because my goal also ias topper please say to me sir.

  17. Anonymous

    sir please provide, yourns notes of anthropology,,,if possible,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    1. Anudeep Durishetty Post author

      I’ve reported the account and Twitter removed the account. Thanks for informing!

  18. Anonymous

    Hi Anudeep,

    Congratulation on the coup. Could you please put up a post detailing your strategy for Anthro. and how you went about with regard to the optional paper? Thanks.

    1. Anudeep Durishetty Post author

      Done already. Please check ‘Optional’ tab on this site.


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