UPSC Marksheet

By | April 30, 2024

Here are my marksheets for the Prelims and Mains of Civil Services Exam 2017. Along with these, I’ve attached my marksheet for CSE 2015 (I’ve skipped CSE 2016.)

A cursory glance at scores from both these attempts should tell you that, with crisp and clear answers, you can drastically improve your Mains scores across the papers. You can read more about how I overcame my failures here.

So my only plea to you is: if your recent Mains scores have been terrible, do not become despondent. I will soon write detailed blog posts on Mains answer writing. Hope they help you in improving your answer content and presentation.

CSE 2017 Prelims Marksheet

Anudeep Durishetty UPSC Prelims Marksheet

CSE 2015 Final Marksheet

Anudeep Durishetty UPSC Mains 2015

CSE 2017 Final Marksheet

Anudeep Durishetty AIR 1 UPSC Mains Marksheet

Note: My book, Fundamentals of Essay and Answer Writing is an Amazon bestseller. Since its release, the book helped countless candidates master the art of crafting exceptional essays and answers and elevate their performance in the UPSC Mains Exam. You can know about the book here.

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96 thoughts on “UPSC Marksheet

  1. Asim Ujjwal

    Good Evening Sir,

    Congratulations for your achievement.

    I am working in a Pvt. Sector Bank in Mumbai for last 7 years (Age-29 years, General Category) which I cannot leave.

    I always dream of becoming an IPS officer but till now, I have not started the preparation. There are so many information available online but its somewhere creating confusion.

    Regarding the books and your strategy, I wanted to write an email to you but I don’t have your email id. If you could share it over here, it would be great.


    1. Asim Ujjwal

      …If you could share the list of books you read and strategy followed, it would great.


  2. Diwakar

    I just want to be the person like you, no more words to say … You are just role model to numerous aspirants and straight example of perseverance and hard work.
    Thanks for enlightening others…

  3. Sindhu

    Hi sir
    Please suggest me the books for upsc prelims in general science subject
    I mean which standard ncert is to be read for general sciences

  4. Anonymous

    Sir u r an inspirational one fa all f us who have been preparing fa an IAS and also i would like to learn a lot from yu sir …

  5. Oindrila Paul

    Sir, I will be giving my third attempt this year 2019. But from inside as if I have lost hope and faith in UPSC. Is it wise to skip it for this year and appear for next 2020 attempt.?? I am not even prepared well for optional. Prelims is trying my patience a lot. I am so confused now.

  6. Anonymous

    Tq so much sir…..very inspiring I think I will crack 2020 upsc because of u sir…

  7. Anonymous

    Hello sir
    Initially you chose public administration as your optional paper but later attempt you change your optional paper to anthropology.
    Why did you change it for scoring more marks or anthropology was an easier optional paper for you ?

  8. Anonymous

    Sir, Can we write our Mains paper in mother tongue or any Indian languages? Which would be more better English or MIL?
    Please suggest me???
    By the way Congratulations for your success.

  9. Hrbhosle

    Hello, sir I am b. SC third yrs student. I am starting upsc preparation. My background in marathi medium I’m not English better plz suggest me in my improving English also suggest me starting my booklet plz plz me me sir, and also thank you your inspired thought and plz help me.

  10. avinash

    Sir it is greatfull me to talk to you in this way, ive watched your videos.. almost every guidence video Sir i am curious to know that how you motivated in this journey..

  11. Ashish kumar modi

    Sir i will achive 1126 marks in cse exam 2025. He my challange.

  12. Lunavath mohan

    Sir I will achieve the civil service in 2026 by your inspiration

  13. Jeevan

    Thank you sir…. just now read your full book….and you have given a good insight of intricate details to be noted and utilitized in the answer writing part.

  14. vartika srivastava

    Sir, I wanna ask that I m a beginner so being a beginner should I buy the book published by you now? or should at the later days of my preparation?

  15. sai

    I am a complete beginner to this race and a recent pass out. wanted your suggestion from where to start ? a bit poor in English as well so how do I improve my English &vocabulary as well?

  16. Anonymous

    Sir please Answer ….
    I’m 25 years old…
    At this time I’ve zero knowledge about all subjects…
    But my mind is suggest to prepare UPSC …..
    I fight with my mind since 2 months ….
    I am village level job holder in state Govt…

    Can I get to move or not ? Plz suggest…

  17. Anonymous

    i have inspired so much from your story sir…Thank you for sharing with us sir..

  18. Anonymous

    Thank you sir .. your help will surely boost my preparation

  19. Anonymous

    Sir I started preparation on June 2021.. but still confused on how to remember the topics what I read.. and confused in current affairs that how to link with gs papers.. sir please help me to solve this….


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