That morning I woke up earlier than usual— not to the sound of my alarm, but because my subconscious seemed to sense the significance of the day. It was the day of my UPSC interview.
I got out of bed, freshened up, did some push-ups and sit-ups to get the heart rate pumping. After the workout, soaking in that stillness, I meditated for 10 minutes. Exercise and meditation are such wonder drugs. They instantly put me in a state of focus and unshakeable clarity.
In 2014, when I first visited Dholpur House (seat of UPSC office) for my maiden Civil Service interview, the experience was contrasting. I was much younger back then, and understandably, less mature, and more anxious. But having scored 204 that year, it helped me face this second interview with confidence and poise. Also, nothing like age and experience to teach you how to handle your nerves.
However, for my interview in 2018, I was neither excited nor anxious. I only told myself this: “No matter what questions they ask, or how much they grill you, give the best answer you can in that moment. Your best is the best possible outcome. That’s a win.”
The day also happened to be my mother’s birthday. When I called to wish her, she was already at a temple, breaking coconuts by the dozen and seeking God’s blessings for me. Like all mothers, she was more tensed than I.
After the call, I sat down for a couple of hours to revise my notes, mentally reviewing my profile and some of my accomplishments which I wanted to convey to the interview board. I also went through the day’s newspapers before heading toward UPSC.

At UPSC, after the security checks, we were ushered into a large waiting hall. As we took our respective seats, an officer with a smiling face walked into the hall to address all the interviewees. With a wide grin, he briefly explained us the procedure and the guidelines. He even cracked a couple of jokes in between, which only drew light murmurs. The tension in the room was palpable, but he did his best to ease the nerves. Towards the end he wished us good luck.
Those wishes felt genuine. How ironical, I thought. As an aspirant, all that the word UPSC reminded me was an imposing concrete building, separated from the rest of us by an iron curtain. No one really knew what happened inside. So it was nice see someone from the institution who smiled, joked and genuinely wished us well.
After the document verification and paperwork, we were told that we will be interviewed by Retd Air Marshal Ajit Bhonsle. My interview began at around 3:00 PM and went on for 35 minutes. I was asked on a diverse set of topics: Aryan migration, hate crimes, meditation, Artificial Intelligence, Swachh Bharat and why I want to get into the IAS. I had anticipated and prepared for some of those questions apriori, so I could answer them well. After the interview, I was glad with how I did.
When the final marks were declared, I was slightly disappointed that my interview score of 176 was 15-20 marks less than what I had expected. I protested with a friend. He turned towards me and said, “Man, are you serious? You might have gotten more marks than you deserve in some Mains paper. Stop complaining. If you whine even after getting this rank, aspirants would come find you and punch you in the face.”
I think he had a point. Regardless of my interview marks, I still believe it was the best I could do. I guess that’s how it works, no? Sometimes the results are beyond your expectations (for instance, my mains score), and sometimes underwhelming (interview marks). But when you strive to give your best each and every time, on the whole it evens out.
So if I were to give the interview this year, I’d probably polish a few areas, but the overall strategy would be the same. I am indebted to my friend Rishanth Reddy (IPS 2015). Most of what I learnt about the interview preparation is from his personal advice and this video of his.
Before I dive into the preparation strategy, I must tell you something important. I’m not an authority on UPSC interview. No one really is. The following points and tips merely reflect my learnings from the two interviews I had given. If you feel what I suggest here isn’t right, or that I’m not making sense, ignore the advice.
Having said that, I really hope that the following suggestions and notes add value to your interview preparation, and you take home something useful.
Tips for the Interview
1. Focus on Content over Appearance
- The content of your answers matters more than your looks and demeanour. In mock interviews, panel members put undue importance on attire, colour of your suit, manner of your walking etc. But in reality, they don’t matter much. Just be presentable and let your answers tell the board the kind of a person you are.
2. Use Questions to Convey Personality
- When the opportunity presents itself, don’t be afraid to tell about yourself. The board members are really there to know about you. So take each question as an opportunity to convey about yourself. And the board tries to judge your personality not by the answers themselves, but your reasoning, beliefs that led you to such an answer.
For instance, for a question like: “Do think our country needs smaller states for better governance?” When you say a simple yes or no, it doesn’t say much about you. What led you to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ is paramount.
My answer would have been:
“Yes, ma’am. I feel that smaller states are easier to govern because it brings administration closer to the people. For example in my own state, previously, districts and mandals were so huge that the Collector didn’t have much time to physically visit and oversee developmental works in my mandal. Now with a smaller state and smaller districts, projects are expedited because Collector can come visit regularly and monitor projects better. Grievance redressal is also faster now. So from my experience, I believe smaller states and smaller districts are better for the country.”
(This answer conveys to the board that: first, you have a reasoned opinion, and second, you are aware of how administration is working in your native place. This is how interview answers are different from Mains. In Mains, you state the opinion of some committee or ARC or some expert to argue a point. But in interview, your answers must be more personal. It’s your opinion and reasoning that counts.)
3. Overcome Insecurities About Your Background
- Remove every strand of inferiority and insecurity you may have because, say, you are 30+ or that you aren’t from a good college or you haven’t worked at a reputable company. I know of friends who had done graduation from IITs, interned at MNCs with good extra-curriculars. Yet year after year, many such people fail to get exceptional marks. Remember that the interview board rarely gets impressed by what’s on paper. Rather they are more interested in knowing you and what you speak in those 30 minutes. So whatever be your background, face the interview with confidence.
When we watch a movie, we don’t memorise the all minute details such as the dialogues, the locations, and the names of the characters etc. But when we come out of the movie hall, we have an overall sense of how the movie was— terrible, decent, excellent and so on.
From the panel’s point of view, it’s something similar. When you come of the room, they will not remember each and every answer you uttered, but they will have an overall perception of you. Irrespective of your background, if you can have a good intellectual conversation and convince them that you are fit for the job, you’ll certainly score well.
4. Don’t Worry about Irrelevant Matters
- Have no preconceived notions about any particular interview board. Tackle each question on its merit; the asker or the board is not important here. Also, statistics such as average marks given by a particular board etc. are not only irrelevant but also counter productive.
5. During the Interview, Focus on the Present; Not Past Responses
- The hyper-conscious among us have this habit of self evaluation even as the interview goes on. It’ll keep you stuck on something you may have uttered at the beginning of the interview. Inevitably, you’ll feel nervous and unable to focus on the present question being asked. Don’t be too conscious of your words or your presence. Be your natural self, and at ease.
6. Maintain Clarity and Brevity in Your Answers
- Answers should be neither brisk, nor too protracted. When they ask opinionated questions, ideally you must state your opinion upfront and then give a brief reasoning of why you think so. There’s no ideal duration for an answer, because it varies from question to question. But try not to belabour your point unnecessarily. If they want to know further, they’ll anyway ask follow up questions.
7. Choose Your Moment and Elevate the Discussion
- This point is straight from the video I shared at the beginning of the post. Sometimes the panel asks you flat questions such as “What are the problems with politics in India?” Instead of giving a standard mains answer such as criminalisation of politics, money power etc you can choose to elevate the discussion. For instance in this case, you can say “Sir the problem with Indian politics is that capturing power has become an end in itself, rather than a means to do greater good.” It might lead to further discussion on ethics and politics etc. Hence such provocative statements lead to follow up questions and engaging conversations. Choose your moment wisely and elevate the discussion when they ask flat questions.
8. Be a Patient Listener
- Take a moment to think after they ask a question. It exudes calmness and also helps you collect your thoughts. I’ve observed that the board members are patient listeners. Only when you are rambling or belabouring your point, they’ll cut you short. For some questions you can even use pencil to write down.
9. Stay Composed, Regardless of Panel Behavior
- If I have to summarise in one word what they look for in a candidate, I’d say ‘balance’. Don’t get carried away if they are jovial, or flattering. And don’t lose your footing if they are confrontational. Stay calm. Balance must reflect in answers too (doesn’t mean you can give some provocative answers— especially when you can elevate the discussion)
Let’s say if they ask about Aadhar debate, my answer would have been:
“Sir I believe Aadhar and privacy is not a zero-sum game. We need both Aadhar and protection of individual privacy (my opinion stated upfront). Currently the debate is skewed either as only Aadhar or complete privacy. But we need more nuance.”
And from here, if they want, they might ask follow up questions on data breaches, benefits of Aadhar, privacy law etc. which you must be comfortable with. So for contentious topics that are in news, prepare such balanced opinions.
10. Over-prepare on your DAF
- Prepare a question bank of most probable questions from your DAF. Your goal must be to pre-empt as many questions as possible. If you prepare well for the expected questions, it’ll give you the confidence to tackle unexpected questions.
11. Go with a Strategy
- Go with an open mind, but have a clear strategy for the interview. By this I mean you must have definite things about you that you want the board to know. It may be some academic project or some professional achievement. They may or may not ask the question directly. But when they ask a question related to that area, you should deftly bring in your strong point naturally as part of the conversation. Experiment this in your mocks. For instance, let’s say you have won an award for being part of a project in your college or at your workplace. So when they ask- “What are the qualities of a good leader?” Instead of giving a bookish answer, you can talk about your project, and the traits that helped you successfully lead and complete it.
12. Use Simple, Clear Language
- After writing Mains, we tend to get into a habit of throwing around jargon such as ‘participative approach’, ‘multi-stakeholder model of governance’, ‘women empowerment’, ‘disenfranchisement of the marginalised’ etc. In the interview, instead of such complex phrases, use simple words.
Eg: To a question of what must be done to tackle gender bias, don’t say ‘Sir, we need women empowerment, inclusive growth and a participative approach’. All this mumbo-jumbo doesn’t mean anything.
Instead, say ‘Sir, we need to provide good education to the girl child, strengthen our policing to ensure women safety, encourage more women in politics— from panchayats to the parliament, and support women SHGs in a big way. These are some of the few steps we can take to build a gender just society” From here they can branch off to either of the sub-points you had mentioned.
Simplicity is clarity.
13. Articulate Your Genuine Motivation for Civil Services
- Think deeply why you want to join the civil service. When they ask this question, it’s a good opportunity to convey about yourself— your life story, your beliefs and core values. Instead of cliched phrases such as ‘job diversity’, ‘work satisfaction’, ‘public service’, ‘varied challenges’ etc., make the conversation lively by telling about yourself. If you can convince the board with a good, honest answer, your job is half done. Also, if you are already working, your answer must focus on the positives that you see in the civil service that excites and brings you here, rather than talking about what you find lacking in your current job. Avoid negativity.
14. Not Knowing Answers is Absolutely Fine
- It’s absolutely fine to say ‘I do not know’ to some questions. But there’s a slight catch here. If it is a factual question— say, the share of thermal power in India’s energy basket— and if you say you don’t know, it’s okay. But let’s say the question is from your DAF. For instance, I had mentioned ‘Reading about Artificial Intelligence’ as one of my hobbies. Now when asked, if I cannot tell the difference between AI and machine learning and deep learning, I was either lying on my DAF or that I’m just plain incompetent. Either way, it’s a serious indictment of me and I fall in the eyes of the panel. So prepare well for your DAF related questions.
- Also, don’t lie to the panel. Their experience in public life is more than your age. They can easily tell.
15. Take Mocks, But Don’t Overthink Feedback
- I’d suggest you to take 4-5 mocks depending on the time available. If your last mock before the interview goes disastrous, seriously affecting your morale, take another one to boost your confidence. The point is to go into the actual interview with high morale. Sometimes you might receive contrasting feedbacks from different mock interviews. Don’t get confused. When in doubt, go with your gut feeling of what is right and what is not.
16. Treat My Advice as Guidance, Not Rules
- Finally, don’t let the weight of the aforementioned advice burden you. Don’t treat them as cagey rules that you must follow to the last word, but only as a mere compass that helps you navigate through your interview preparation.
My Notes and Reading Material
Go through these notes and customise the questions according to your profile. You may need to update some of the statistics in my notes, wherever necessary.
1. Home state (Telangana) & Home district (Jagtial/Karimnagar)
- Internet
- Book on Telangana Economy
- Latest Socio Economic Outlook of the State
2. Graduation (Electronics and Instrumentation): Notes
3. College (Birlas, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan): Notes
4. Hobbies (AI, Meditation) : Notes
5. Leadership positions (Football, Creative Activities Club, Project): Notes
6. Work Experience (Google, IRS, GST): Notes
7. Innovative Solutions: Notes
8. Compilation of Most Probable Questions from my Profile: Notes
9. Optional (Anthropology) : Notes
10. My Interview Transcript: Download
Interview preparation really forces us to know about ourselves deeply. It also gives us a rare opportunity to walk through the hallowed portals of UPSC, and to have an intellectual conversation with a distinguished panel of members. So cherish the occasion.
I really enjoyed preparing for the interview. In fact, after the results, I took my parents to UPSC, showed them the main building and the museum, explaining the interview process and the rich history of this eminent institution.
The following pictures are some of my favourites.

It’s only a matter of time before you find your name in the list, too. As you face this final frontier, I will not wish you good luck. Luck is something not in our hands and it presupposes a sense of lack of control. So I wish you what I told myself on the day of my interview.
Do your best. That’s a win.
Note: My book, Fundamentals of Essay and Answer Writing is now available both in paperback and e-book versions. It’s a comprehensive guide that helps you write better Essays and Answers in the UPSC Mains Exam. You can know about the book here.
Sir, you are one of the most hardworking, genuine and persistent person that I have known in my life. I’m in 1st Year of graduation doing B. A. Political Science from Kirorimal college, Delhi University bt I am following all your strategies from 1st Year itself like starting with ncerts, etc
You ooze out positivity like no one else , keep inspiring and motivating people.
Also you have a good writing sense ,perhaps someday you can come out with your own book. I am sure many people will benefit from the same.
Anudeep sir,
I have some doubts about upsc plz reply to this questions sir plz i have so much interest in civils sir .
1) How to understand the whole syllabus of upsc because all toppers are saying that go through the syllabus firstly if u have to prepare for upsc but I can’t understand any word from the syllabus of upsc papers from (GS 1 TO GS4) sir plz give reply for this question
2)How to read THE HINDU paper and how to relate this news with the static part syllabus and what I have to read from the editorial of THE HINDU because I can’t understand what to read in editorial section and what strategy is best to master the newspaper sir plz reply this sir
3)what is the main motivation sir to keep u study more than 5 years of your preparation because some people leaves the preparation of upsc because they can’t understand anything from eg(polity by laximikanth,ethics by subbarao etc) so plz reply this sir
Thank you sir.. your journey was a great inspiration for us..
Anudeep sir,
How to prepare notes from THE Hindu paper and how to prepare notes from ncert and standard books because I don’t know how to prepare notes from the standard books and newspaper olz reply this question sir
Thank you for the details and experience you shared.
I am a new bee to upsc preparation, I have slogged like for 5 years in corporate but wasn’t satisfied enough myself. Becoming an IAS officer was childhood dream with eventually changed as I grew up learning and working.
I want to start preparing for upsc, I need guidance as in how your started preparing for it, which study material you referred. BASICALLY HOW TO START???
It would be kind enough if you help me guiding through through my journey.
Waiting for your Reply
Anchala Kharare
Hey…. . Anchala
first important is CSE is journey or marathon. most important part of marathon is why you want to
join ias . Decide which year you want to appear in civil service exam 2020/2021.Plan according to year . First understand the nature of ias exam. Start with basic NCERT Books and Newspapers also. there are lots of blogs available for preparations. check them properly.
Hello Vipin,
Thank you for replying
As suggested I have gone through the blogs and websites for preparation. The thing which is now have become a bottle neck is the optional subject.
Have to choose a subject or a language for optional???
I have a problem in presenting my views on any issue???? So i am in a dilemma whether i can go for the preparation of upsc or not????? Please sir guide me
Hii bhavani..I stay in hyderabad..I want ur guideness sir…How can I meet u
Great Job
India really needs ias officers like him.
Excellent.u always inspired me. thanks again??
Thanks u anudeep
Thank’s anudeep sir , to many clarification of cse .
Sir what were the questions asked related to meditation ?
hello sir
I am in my final year of graduation and I always wanted and want to crack UPSC in my 1st attempt that too with a great rank but I am not able to decide where to start could you just help me at least a little to decide it please sir.Its a humble request sir
Many people write Sir, but very few can hold a person’s interest with the impact of their words.Your words have that power. You make us stop for a moment and think.It is a pretty rare talent.We get connected with whatever that is you write.Great job, Mr. Anudeep Durishetty. Keep going.
Your experience give us confidence ….sir. Thank you 4 sharing with us.
Dearest Anudeep, I cannot even begin to express how easily I’ve been impressed by you. Notwithstanding the fact that I am not, in the least bit, impressionable. Your simplicity is daunting, and yours is the kind of heart that deserves all the good things in life. The purity of your soul has had me mesmerized. I hope to crack the coveted coconut and join you in a couple of years. Crossing my fingers in the fancy that nobody sweeps you off your feet till then. Please wait for me.
Your craziest stalker,
And the biggest fan ?❤?
Brother, your vocabulary is very good. How you develop your this vocabulary?
Reading your articles really calm down the nerves.,thank u sir ..
btw.,you forgot to write ‘until next time’ ?
It is very kind of you to share your interview experience, felt as if I were living that incident. It is really an inspirational journey of yours. I liked your advice about removing one’s inferiority and insecurity specifically. And Sir really thanks for your input on mock interviews and all those useful links for study material. I could not take my eye off the screen while going through your interview transcripts and your answers were really to the point. I can not thank you enough for the knowledge I have gained from your article.
All the best for your future as an IAS officer Anna.
Best wishes from Hyderabad!!!!☺️
Heartly congrats anna. I am from andhra Pradesh . You are incredible Anna. I am really proud of you Anna.
Thank you so much sir, this article gives more confidence to do our preparations for the interview, when am reading this articl, it looks like that is happening infront of me, thanks a lot sir, please keep guiding us about mains and prelims sir, THANK YOU…
Sir, I just have one question. Can one use any language hindi or english in interview….though he/she had choosen english in the form? Will be grateful if you reply soon. Thank you!
Hi,sir can you tell me how many months of current affairs an aspirant should read if he going to give his mains in 2020?
I have gone through you website and find all post are good and useful to students who are willing to prepare for UPSC Exam. The Most important this of your article is that it show your personal interview experience because you have already have faced the same so this is a real guide. Thank you for your Kind efforts to share your valuable experience. this will definitely pay you back. Best of Luck.
Apart from this, Hope you have heard about the Elite IAS Academy. Elite IAS was found in 2012. since its inception the institute is delivering the best Results year on year and We are restlessly working to provide best education system to students to achieve their dreams job. We request you to go through our website and help us with a write up on your website.
Thank You
Firstly thank you for your guidance…Sir you and every topper has told about GS and Optional papers… But what about Mains qualifying papers… What to study and what not… Is there any source for it? I mean doing self study and I have no clue regarding it. Do help me if possible… Thank you?
must read this blog
Having concentration and attention problems is not just a children’s issue; It affects millions of adults worldwide. A recent study conducted in Canada showed an interesting, but not surprising, effect of meditation: It increases considerably (over 16%) the abilities of concentration in daily life, which generates improvements in the quality of life and an increase in happiness.